Request custom on-site stormwater training
Custom-designed online training request
This class is intended to help industrial facilities maintain compliance with their National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit and SWPPPs. The training will satisfy the employee training requirements in accordance with permits issued by state or federal environmental regulatory agencies. This course will cover the concepts and methods located in Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, a Guide for Industrial Operators (Document Number EPA 833-B-09-002), as well as the following:
- The contents of a well-developed SWPPP
- Control measures implemented to achieve compliance with applicable discharge requirements
- Spill containment and cleanup procedures
- Maintenance, monitoring, and inspection
- Documentation requirements, and proper planning and reporting
- Best Management Practices (BMPs), methods and procedures for minimizing storm water impact, and spill containment